Welcome to the Isle of Wight Photographic Society


May 15th 19.30 - Arreton & Zoom. End of year competition. Creative. Presentation of awards to the competition winners.

May 25th 10 - 12am - Quay Arts Centre .'The Hub'. We meet, chat about photography, and grab a coffee and a slice of cake.

Programme February - May 2024

Competition Rules
Competition Rules as at September 2023
Forthcoming Events

Hasselblad PDI Competition
Wednesday, 20th March via Zoom
The link will sent to all clubs and those who enter the competition. The details of the competiton can be found in the link below:
Hasselblad Digital Image Competition

Please feel free to join any of our activities. We ask for a £2 contribution on a Wednesday; which will be deducted from your subscription should you decide to become a member.

If you would like further information, please leave a message for the Hon Secretary via the 'Contact Us' section above.